Olympics Women

Olympics Women

2024 Paris Olympics Women

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Useful information
  • Type cup
  • Gender female
  • Start date 25 July 2024
  • End date 10 August 2024
  • Area World
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Global stats
Games played
1. Ramon Abatti
  • 1. Katia Itzel García 1
  • 1. Bouchra Karboubi 1
  • 1. Yu-Jeong Kim 1
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Cards stats
Yellow card per game
1. Ramon Abatti
  • 1. Katia Itzel García 2
  • 1. Bouchra Karboubi 2
  • 4. Yu-Jeong Kim 1
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Red card per game
1. Ramon Abatti
  • 1. Tori Penso 1
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