Global stats in Serie B
Main formation
- 4-2-3-1 18 matches this season
- Year of construction: 1941
- Surface: grass
- Capacity: 8679
- Average attendance: 2748
- Maximum attendance: 6292
- % sold: 31
- Type club male
- Names Operário PR, Operário
- Code OPE
- Area Brazil
Operário PR on Football Today
Operário PR match result
The latest result of Serie B featured CRB and Operário and ended up in a 1-1 score.
Main players
The full squad is as follows:Goalkeepers: Rafael de Carvalho Santos, Talles Antônio de Souza Lima, Guilherme Oliveira Lopes da Silva and Gabriel José Ferreira Mesquita
Defenders: Santiago Ocampos, Allan Godói Santos, Anderson Ferreira da Silva, Felipe Augusto Ferreira Batista, Lucas Hipólito Cavalcante e Silva, Guilherme Baldo Borech, Erik da Silva Bessa, Fagner Ironi Daponte, Sávio Alves Marchiote, Igor Ribeiro Costa, Joseph Mauricio de Oliveira Figueiredo, João Gabriel Rodrigues Botao, José Gabriel Pagliarini Melo, Ryan de Carvalho Krettly, Kayo José Fernandes da Luz and Thales
Midfielders: Robson Ferreira de Azevedo, João Denoni Júnior, Bruno Aparecido Reis Ezequiel, Rodrigo Antonio Rodrigues, Vinícius Diniz Dall Antonia, Marco Antônio, Gabriel Boschilia, Marcelo Oliveira Pinto, Rodrigo Lindoso, Nathan Uiliam Fogaça, Guilherme Henrique Silva Gonçalves, Gabriel Feliciano da Silva, Eduardo Scheit, Ronald Sant'anna Rodrigues, Filipe Claudino Tenório Nóbrega, Jacy Maranhão Oliveira, Pedro Lucas Tápias Obermüller and José Gervásio dos Santos Neto
Strikers: Juninho Brandão, Jefesson Vieira Eufrazio, Vinícius Alessandro Mingotti, Guilherme da Silva Azevedo, Rafael Oller, Marcelo Cirino, Matheus Galdino Silva, Eduardo Franzon Mosconi, Felipe Garcia Gonçalves, Emaxwell Souza de Lima, Ronaldo Henrique Silva and Daniel Alves de Lima
- Squad size 50
- Average age 26.6
- Foreign players 1 (2%)
#2 Santiago Ocampos 22 years
#3 Allan Godói Santos 31 years
#6 Anderson Ferreira da Silva 29 years
#11 Felipe Augusto Ferreira Batista 32 years
#13 Lucas Hipólito Cavalcante e Silva 29 years
#14 Guilherme Baldo Borech 22 years
#17 Erik da Silva Bessa 28 years
#21 Fagner Ironi Daponte 34 years
#23 Sávio Alves Marchiote 28 years
#24 Igor Ribeiro Costa 23 years
#30 Joseph Mauricio de Oliveira Figueiredo 29 years
#32 João Gabriel Rodrigues Botao 18 years
#35 José Gabriel Pagliarini Melo 20 years
#36 Ryan de Carvalho Krettly 20 years
#47 Kayo José Fernandes da Luz 21 years
#72 Thales 30 years
Robson Ferreira de Azevedo 30 years
João Denoni Júnior 30 years
#5 Bruno Aparecido Reis Ezequiel 32 years
#7 Rodrigo Antonio Rodrigues 24 years
#8 Vinícius Diniz Dall Antonia 25 years
#10 Marco Antônio 24 years
#16 Gabriel Boschilia 28 years
#18 Marcelo Oliveira Pinto 36 years
#19 Rodrigo Lindoso 35 years
#20 Nathan Uiliam Fogaça 25 years
#22 Guilherme Henrique Silva Gonçalves 24 years
#27 Gabriel Feliciano da Silva 23 years
#29 Eduardo Scheit 23 years
#31 Ronald Sant'anna Rodrigues 27 years
#38 Filipe Claudino Tenório Nóbrega 21 years
#55 Jacy Maranhão Oliveira 27 years
#70 Pedro Lucas Tápias Obermüller 22 years
#88 José Gervásio dos Santos Neto 32 years
Juninho Brandão 29 years
Jefesson Vieira Eufrazio 30 years
#9 Vinícius Alessandro Mingotti 24 years
#18 Guilherme da Silva Azevedo 23 years
#22 Rafael Oller 29 years
#25 Marcelo Cirino 32 years
#37 Matheus Galdino Silva 19 years
#39 Eduardo Franzon Mosconi 18 years
#47 Felipe Garcia Gonçalves 34 years
#77 Emaxwell Souza de Lima 29 years
#90 Ronaldo Henrique Silva 33 years
#99 Daniel Alves de Lima 20 years
- 4-3-3 7 time
- 4-4-2 5 time
- 3-4-2-1 1 time
Final Time
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
Stats for 31 matches already played
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
Stats for 16 matches already played
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
Stats for 15 matches already played
1st half
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
Stats for 31 matches already played
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
Stats for 16 matches already played
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
Stats for 15 matches already played
2nd half
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
Stats for 31 matches already played
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
Stats for 16 matches already played
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
Stats for 15 matches already played
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
- First goal scored on average 51'
- Last goal scored on average 65'
- Number of matches - at least 1 goal scored 22
- First goal conceded on average 35'
- Last goal conceded on average 52'
- Number of matches - at least 1 goal conceded 18
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
- First goal scored on average 43'
- Last goal scored on average 62'
- Number of matches - at least 1 goal scored 13
- First goal conceded on average 41'
- Last goal conceded on average 55'
- Number of matches - at least 1 goal conceded 8
- Number of matches (Goals scored)
- Number of matches (Goals conceded)
- First goal scored on average 61'
- Last goal scored on average 70'
- Number of matches - at least 1 goal scored 9
- First goal conceded on average 31'
- Last goal conceded on average 49'
- Number of matches - at least 1 goal conceded 10
1st half
- 1 - 0 6 (38%)
- 0 - 0 5 (31%)
- 0 - 1 3 (19%)
- 1 - 1 1 (6%)
- 1 - 2 1 (6%)
Final Time
- 1 - 0 4 (25%)
- 2 - 0 2 (13%)
- 2 - 1 2 (13%)
- 1 - 1 2 (13%)
- 0 - 0 2 (13%)
- 3 - 2 1 (6%)
- 2 - 3 1 (6%)
- 1 - 2 1 (6%)
- 0 - 1 1 (6%)
1st half
- 0 - 0 6 (40%)
- 1 - 0 6 (40%)
- 1 - 1 2 (13%)
- 0 - 1 1 (7%)
Final Time
- 0 - 1 4 (27%)
- 1 - 0 3 (20%)
- 1 - 1 2 (13%)
- 2 - 1 2 (13%)
- 1 - 2 1 (7%)
- 0 - 0 1 (7%)
- 2 - 0 1 (7%)
- 3 - 0 1 (7%)
Count | Average age | Amount | |
Arrivals | 10 | 26 | 0 € |
Departures | 2 | 27 | 0 € |
Total | 12 | 26 | 0 € |